Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Simple Efforts

Ask her what you can do to help her... she probably feels really under the weather and fatigued. It's a miserable thing to constantly feel sick and NOT be!

My husband offers me back rubs every once in a while, which don't really help the pain much, but it does wonders for my attitude! I appreciate that he takes notice of me even though I feel like a cow. ;) He also rubs my legs when I have leg cramp attacks in the middle of the night and constantly tells me he loves the way I look (even if he's lying, he sounds convincing!).

Help her with housework and tell her to take it easy. My husband works long hours, but when he comes home and tells me I should go rest and he'll finish the floors... it's selfless and it sends me the message that even though I don't work as many hours as he does, he still acknowledges I'm working hard and he appreciates me!

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